Report: Nuclear power value chain in Poland

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The objective of the report, entitled Nuclear Power Value Chain in Poland, is to define the key success factors for the development of nuclear power in Poland, as well as to assess the capacity and define the conditions to be met by domestic companies to optimally participate in the process (to maximise the share of local content).

The findings of the report will allow for assessment of several nuclear power development scenarios, taking into account the changes taking place in the mix of different fuels and energy sources and the role of small and large nuclear.

The recommendations presented will allow the planning of market and institutional support instruments for the development of this part of the energy sector in Poland.

Content of the Report:

I. Nuclear power value chain – concept of the study

II. Global nuclear power market, plans and directions of its development

  • Nuclear power around the world;
  • Characteristics of reactors in operation;
  • New nuclear reactors – plans and directions of development for nuclear power;
  • Small Modular Reactors (SMRs);
  • The role of nuclear power in EU’s climate policy;
  • Prospects for nuclear power development in Poland in the context of EU climate policy.

III. Technological aspects of nuclear power development

  • Types of nuclear power plants and reactors;
  • Characteristics of selected nuclear reactor designs;
  • The global nuclear technology market;
  • Specific market features;
    Technology suppliers.

Industry representatives unanimously asserted that the Polish energy sector is looking for modern solutions. They are primarily intended to improve customer service, improve the efficiency and utilisation rate of the network and enable energy storage. At the same time, companies in the sector are counting on domestic start-ups. These, in turn, expecting financial support, should offer projects that can be commercialised.

IV. Nuclear fuel

  • Global nuclear fuel market;
  • Nuclear fuel supply chain;
  • Uranium resources and markets;
  • Uranium resources in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe;
  • Uranium mining and conversion;
  • Uranium enrichment and nuclear fuel production;
  • Nuclear fuel reuse.

V. Critical aspects related to the safety of disposal and the management of radioactive waste

VI. Potential financing models for nuclear power

VII. The potential of Polish companies and institutions with knowledge and advantages to build nuclear power in Poland

  • National R&D potential in the field of nuclear energy – results of a study of research institutions;
  • Domestic potential of companies – results of business surveys;
  • Local content – involving national companies in the nuclear power construction process – results of a study of technology suppliers;
  • Development scenarios, potential and challenges – large and small nuclear reactors.

The report was prepared by the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw together with the Institute of Power Engineering and the Energy Club. 

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