The Energy Club

is an independent platform to discuss key issues of Poland’s energy transition, bringing together the administration sector with business and academia.

Business Transformation The future of energy  starts with dialogue


about us

We established the Energy Club in September 2020

to animate discussion on the changes happening in the broad electricity sector.

Today, our community includes several hundred people

looking for solutions to facilitate access to clean, safe and affordable energy.

Our vision is a climate-neutral and energy-secure Poland.

We are keen to involve Polish local content widely in the process of change.

Michał Niewiadomski, założyciel Klubu Energetycznego
Michał Niewiadomski
Founder, Energy Club
Justyna Piszczatowska, partnerka Klubu Energetycznego
Justyna Piszczatowska
Partner, Energy Club

We established the Energy Club in September 2020

to animate discussion on the changes happening in the broad electricity sector.

Today, our community includes several hundred people

looking for solutions to facilitate access to clean, safe and affordable energy.

Our vision is a climate-neutral and energy-secure Poland.

We are keen to involve Polish local content widely in the process of change.

Michał Niewiadomski, założyciel Klubu Energetycznego
Michał Niewiadomski
Founder, Energy Club
Justyna Piszczatowska, partnerka Klubu Energetycznego
Justyna Piszczatowska
Partner, Energy Club


our activities

We contribute expert support to the public debate

on the energy transition in Poland.

We analyse the current energy market situation

by preparing expert publications in the form of reports and studies.

We create a space for dialogue

between representatives of politics, business and academia.

We organise exclusive meetings and conferences

on nuclear power, hydrogen, district heating, innovation and the energy transition in its broad sense.

We contribute expert support to the public debate

on the energy transition in Poland.

We create a space for dialogue

between representatives of politics, business and academia.

We analyse the current energy market situation

by preparing expert publications in the form of reports and studies.

We organise exclusive meetings and conferences

on nuclear power, hydrogen, district heating, innovation and the energy transition in its broad sense.

Join an Energy Club event

Upcoming conferences:

Nuclear Conference

Thank you for attending the conference on April 23, 2024

Watch the video

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Hydrogen Conference

November 14, 2024


Energy Club Reports

Energy Club news

Energy Club video reports

Podczas konferencji Klubu Energetycznego dyskutujemy o najbardziej efektywnych drogach przechodzenia na czyste i niezawodne źródła energii, a także dzielimy się doświadczeniami i pomysłami wspierającymi transformację energetyczną w Polsce.

Używamy cookies i podobnych technologii w celach: świadczenia usług, reklamy, statystyk. Korzystanie z witryny bez zmiany ustawień Twojej przeglądarki oznacza, że będą one umieszczane w Twoim urządzeniu końcowym. Pamiętaj, że zawsze możesz zmienić te ustawienia. Szczegóły znajdziesz w Polityce Prywatności  na stronie